DNA contig assembly
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DNA sequence assembly

dna assembly software

The Reverse Complement tool

Compute the reverse complement of a nucleotide sequence





There are two ways to obtain the reverse complement of a sample with DNA Sequence Assembler:

  1. Using the 'Reverse Complement' menu
  2. Using the stand-alone 'Reverse Complement' tool

Both functions support the IUPAC DNA ambiguity code.






1) The Reverse Complement menu

  • Open a sample (Abi, Scf, Fasta, Seq, Txt) in Sample Viewer
  • Go to Sample menu and press Reverse complement
  • The RC (reverse complement) of that sample is displayed; in the case of abi or scf sample, the chromatogram is also reversed


Reverse complement. supports abi or scf chromatogram




2) The stand-alone Reverse Complement tool

  • In the main DNA Baser window go to Tasks menu and click the 'Reverse Complement Tool'. The Reverse Complement Tool will open in a new window
  • Enter the DNA sequence you want to reverse in the top panel and press the main button
  • It's reverse complement will be displayed in the lower panel




  • IUPAC ambiguity codes of the two possible nucleotides are converted as follows: R↔Y, K↔M, W and S are left unchanged.
  • Ambiguity codes of the three possible nucleotides are converted as follows: D↔H, B↔V.
  • The program preserves upper and lower case. This is useful for marking regions of interest.
  • DNA and RNA sequences are converted into reverse-complementing sequence of DNA.
  • Unknown/invalid symbols (for example '?') are left unchanged.
  • This tool is available for free.






dna assembly software

scf trace assembly
DNA contig assembly
  SciVance Technologies