chromatogram assembly
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DNA sequence assembly
molecular biology software

Our resellers

BlueSnap/bluesnap reseller






Who is BlueSnap?


BlueSnap (previously known as BlueSnap) is our reseller. BlueSnap is authorized to process credit card orders on our behalf.

Please note that on their web site, BlueSnap refers to us as 'the merchant'.



I need your address and bank details


You will be placing your Credit Card order through our reseller (BlueSnap). BlueSnap address is:

BlueSnap, Inc.
1999 South Bascom Ave,
Suite 600,
Campbell, CA 95008
Tax ID: 45-0479415 Vat ID: EU826002156

However, orders placed via PO/Bank Transfer are processed directly by us.



Where do I send the payment?


You need to send the payment to our reseller. Payment details will be listed on screen during purchase. You can send the payment to BlueSnap account ONLY after you procured a Quote from them.
Note: License key is sent directly to the costomer!



I have a question. Should I contact BlueSnap of BioSoft?


Please contact us if you have questions related to the product, if you need technical support or if you have questions about product's price and volume discounts.

Please contact BlueSnap if you have problems WHILE purchasing (credit card not accepted, etc) or if you cannot locate your order. BlueSnap offer tool-free telephone support and services and is open 24/24 hours per day.



I need the W9 form. Where can I get it.


You can get the W9 form directly from BlueSnap web site:



Contact BlueSnap


Customer Frequently Asked Questions





Quick links


  contig assembly software  scf trace assembly

DNA contig assembly
DNA contig assembly
Copyright Heracle BioSoft SRL 2020