DNA contig assembly
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molecular biology software
scf trace assembly

How to place an order via Fax?







The purchase process is FULLY automated and it takes about 2 minutes. It is not strictly necessary to contact us before placing your order.

The starting point for placing your order is the Price Calculator tool.



To place your order now


Note: If you already obtained a Purchase Link from us, click it to open it into your browser and jump directly to Step 4.


1. Start Price Calculator (click the 'Info' menu in DNA Baser).

2. Customize your license (choose license type and modules).

3. Press the 'Place order' button. This will take you online where you can enter your details.


4. As method of payment choose 'Fax' (as shown below):



5. Press 'Next' to advance to the next page. Print the page and fill in your credit card number. Fax the page to the specified number:

wire transfer payment


Instructions about how to unlock the software will be sent to you via email almost instantly. Use the provided key to unlock the software.

If the email is not in your Inbox please search for in in your 'Junk/Spam' folder!








  contig assembly software  scf trace assembly


DNA chromatogram assembly
contig assembly software
 Copyright Heracle BioSoft SRL, Romania 2020